Q. Define Parasympathomimetic drug and classify it and explain its Pharmacological action ?
Ans :-
• Parasympathomimetic / cholinergic drug:- these are the drugs or agent which mimics / similar action to acetylcholine.
• classification:-
1) Cholinergic agonist
A) choline esters
Ex :- acetylcholine , Carbacol , Methacholine
B) alkaloids :-
Ex :- muscarine , pilocarpine
2) anticholinergic esters
A) Reversible
a) carbonate
Ex :- physostigmine , neostigmine
b) non - carbonate
Ex :- tacrine
B) irreversible
a) carbomate
Ex:- carbaryl
b) organophosphate
Ex :- dyflose
• pharmacological action :-
A) muscarinic action :-
1) heart :-
Reduces Heart Rate - Hypotension
2) Blood Vessels :-
Falling in Blood Pressure.
Blood Vessels are dilated - vasodilation
3) smooth muscles:-
Smooth muscles contraction
Peristaltic movement increases
4) glands :- Increase the secreation of glands except mamery gland .
5) eye :-
It causes a contraction of ciliary muscle on cornea muscle .
The causes a miosis disease
2) nicotinic action :-
1) skeletal muscles:-
It induces contraction of skeletal muscles.
2) ganglion cells :-
Ganglion are stimulated .