Q. Enlist the millennium development goals WHO's sustainable development goals FIP development goals .
Ans -
1) Sustainable development goals -
- eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
- achieve universal primary education
- promote gender equality and empowerment of women
- reduce child mortality
- improvement in maternal health
- control the spread out of HIV and AIDS and other diseases
- prevent environmental degradation and sustainable development
- facilitate generic medicine to low income household
- no poverty
- zero hunger
- good health and well being
- quality education for all
- gender equality
- clean water and sanitization
- descent work and economic growth
- industry innovation and infrastructure
- reducing inequality
- sustainable cities and communities
- responsible conception and production
- peace, justice, and strong institution
- partnership for the goals
- academic capacity
- early carrier training
- quality assurance
- advance practice and specialization
- complementary development
- leadership development
- working with others
- continuing professional development strategies
- equality and quality
- impact and outcome
- pharmacy intelligence
- policy development
- medicine expertise
- communicable disease
- access to medicine and services
- patient safety
- digital health sustainability in pharmacy