Q. Explain constitution of pharmacy council of India and write its functions.
Ans -
Constitution of Pharmacy Council of India
Pharmacy Act, 1948 provides for the constitution of a Central Council (Pharmacy Council of India) under section 3 of the chapter 1 by the Central Government. The council consists of following members.
(a) Six members, among whom there shall be at least one teacher of each of the subjects of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacy, Pharmacology and Pharmacognosy elected by the University Grants Commission, from among persons on the teaching staff of an Indian university or a college affiliated thereto which grants degree or diploma in pharmacy.
(b) Six members nominated by the Central Government of whom at least four shall be possessing degree or diploma in pharmacy and practicing pharmacy or pharmaceutical chemistry.
(c) One member elected by the members of Medical Council of India amongst themselves.
(d) A representative of UGC and representative of the all India council for technical education.
(e) One member from each state elected by the members of each State Council, amongst themselves shall be a registered pharmacist. (From pharmacy amendment Act 1976, one member nominated by Government of each union territory, instead of electing, who shall be eligible for registration under sec. 31.
(f) One member from each state, nominated by State Government, shall be a registered pharmacist.
Following are the ex-officio members.
(g) Director General of Health Services
(h) Drug Controller of India.
(i) Director of the Central Drugs Laboratory.
President and Vice President of Central Council:
The president and vice president of the council shall be elected by the members of the council amongst themselves. President and Vice President holds office for a term not exceeding five years and not extending beyond the expiry of his term, as a member of council. But, if his term as a member of Central Council expires before the expiry of the full term for which he is elected as President or Vice President; and if he is re-elected or re- nominated as a member of Central Council, he can continue to hold office as President or Vice President for the full term for which he is elected.
Term of Office and Casual Vacancies:
(a) Nominated or elected member shall hold office for a term of five years from the date of nomination or election.
(b) A nominated or elected member may resign his membership at any time by writing to president. Seat of such member thereupon remains vacant.
(c). A nominated or elected member should vacate his seat if he is absent without excuse, sufficient in the opinion of the Central Council for three consecutive meetings of the council.
(d) Causal vacancies as in above cases can be filled by fresh nomination or election as the case may be. The person so elected or nominated can hold office only for a remainder of the term for the member whose place he takes.
(e) Members of Central Council can be eligible for re-nomination or re-election.
Staff Remuneration and Allowance:
The Central Council may:
1. Appoint a registrar who may act as a secretary, and if deemed expedient, act as a Treasurer of the council.
2. Appoint such other officers and servants as considered necessary to enable it to carry out its function.
3. From the Registrar, or any other officer or servant takes such security for the due performance of his duties as council may consider necessary.
4. With previous sanction of the Central Government, Central Council may fix:
(i) The remuneration and allowances for the president, vice president and other members of the council.
(ii) Pay and allowances and other service conditions of officers and servants of the
The Executive Committee:
The Pharmacy Act provides constitution of Executive committee by the Central Council: The Executive committee consists of:
1. Ex. officio members: (a) president who shall be the chairman of this committee; and (b) Vice President; and
2. Five other members elected, by the Central Council from amongst its members.
The members of Executive committee hold the office until the expiry of his term as a member of Central Council, but if re-elected as a member of Central Council, he can hold office for residual term.
Functions of Pharmacy Council of India (PCI)
The main functions of Central Council are as follows:
- To prescribe the minimum standard of education required for qualification as a pharmacist. (This can be provided by making the rules as education regulations which prescribes minimum qualification for admission, duration of the course, details of syllabus, practical training, and examination, minimum facilities required for the conduct of course, examination and practical training).
- To regulate the minimum educational standard. (For this purpose, Council appoints Inspectors to inspect the institutions providing the minimum standards in education in pharmacy and report on the facilities available and decides whether the institutes should be recognized or not.
- To recognize qualifications granted outside the territories to which Pharmacy Act 1948 extends for the purpose of qualifying for registration under the said Act.
- To compile and maintain a central register for pharmacist containing names of all persons for the time being entered in the state register.
- Any other function that may be assigned to the Central Council in the furtherance of the objectives of the Pharmacy Act, 1948.